When time starts to take its toll, or if there is something about our facial appearance that we have never been truly happy with, a non-surgical approach without invasive surgery, general anaesthetic or long recovery times, could be just what is needed to improve our looks and regain our confidence.
Dermal fillers can be used across the whole face. However, most commonly, they are used to improve the facial contours and soften deep, static lines and folds.
The most common areas include upper lip lines, nose to mouth lines (nasolabial) and mouth to chin lines (marionette folds).
If you would like to look your very best without looking ‘done’, Dr Amy Law offers dermal fillers for the face and is passionate about keeping enhancements very natural.
Please note, for ultimate safety and efficacy, dermal fillers should only be administered by a fully-qualified medical professional.
Dr Amy Law’s approach is to always strive for a natural result.
In many cases, a topical anaesthetic may be applied to your skin. This will be allowed to take effect (around 30 minutes before the treatment) and then will be cleansed away.
Dr Amy will then use a cannula ( a blunt-ended injection device) or a traditional needle to inject specific quantities of the dermal filler in to the treatment area.
Once this has happened, she may mould and shape the area for a smooth, natural contour. You will then be given some aftercare instructions, which you should adhere to for the allotted time advised, for the best results and for your safety.
Dermal fillers can be used across the whole face. However, most commonly, they are used to improve the facial contours and soften deep, static lines and folds , from filling deep lines and wrinkles to re-sculpting, shaping and lifting the facial contours. The most common areas include upper lip lines, nose to mouth lines (nasolabial) and mouth to chin lines (marionette folds).
Please note, for ultimate safety and efficacy, dermal fillers should only be administered by a fully-qualified medical professional.
This is the million dollar question we get asked all the time, and it really all depends on the type of filler used, the treatment area and indication as well as your individual response to the dermal filler and how quickly you metabolise the hyaluronic acid – the main component of FDA-approved, UK licenced dermal fillers, used by Dr Amy.
If you are someone who is experiencing the facial changes that come with the natural ageing process, have recently lost or gained weight, or if you have some facial asymmetry which you would like to address, without surgery, facial fillers could be the answer.
However, before any treatment plan can be devised, Dr Amy will ask that you attend a no obligation consultation, so she can examine your facial contours and your skin, discuss your requirements and check your medical history, to ensure there are no contraindications which might prevent or restrict a dermal filler treatment from going ahead.
Dr Amy says….
“Dermal fillers have been used in cosmetic medicine for many years and they offer a myriad of uses. I am passionate about keeping enhancements very natural.”
As a topical anaesthetic is applied before the treatment, the procedure should not be painful. There can be some mild discomfort and pulling / tugging of the skin if a cannula is used, but you should remain free from extreme discomfort.
This will be discussed during the consultation and a tailored treatment plan will be formulated specific for your needs.
As with any injectable procedure, there is always risk of bruising and swelling after a dermal filler treatment for the face. To minimise the chance of bruising and swelling we advise you to avoid alcohol 24 hours before treatment and avoid any exercise, for a few days, after your facial filler treatment.