Is your acne affecting your self-confidence?
Have you felt like you have tried everything but nothing seems to be improving?
Do you want to feel more confident in your skin?
I too have suffered with acne so I really understand how much it can affect your confidence. I want you to know that there are treatments out there that actually work and I can help you. You do not need to suffer in silence and cake the foundation on to hide the spots
Get in touch today for a consultation if you are ready to commit to treatment that works.
These are all forms of acne
Due to individual differences the results, downtime and recovery following treatment can vary between patients. This is because we are all unique. The information given has been based off the experience I have gained from treating a wide variety of patients, from both sexes and all different ages. To ensure you get the most accurate information about how the treatment experience would work for you please book a consultation with me.
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition which can affect adults and not just teenagers. It can vary in severity but if left untreated the skin can scar and the scars can be much harder to soften. Dr Amy is very passionate about treating acne early to prevent the skin from scarring.
Acne is caused when there is too much oil production in the skin and the oil and dead skin cells clog the pores and hair follicles. This results in the appearance of spots, whiteheads/blackheads, pimples and redness to the skin. It typically appears on our face and forehead but it can also appear on the chest and back. Even though its more prominent during our teenage years, acne can affect us at any age.
Acne can be terribly frustrating and can lead to a lot of embarrassment but there are treatments out there that work!
The first step is to reduce the oil production in the skin, increase the skin cell turnover, reduce bacteria levels and inflammation. This is help to prevent scarring
Medical grade skincare like Obagi and in clinic treatments like chemical peels and microneedling can work to reduce the appearance and reoccurrence of acne.
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