Do you suffer from teeth clenching or grinding?
Has your dentist mentioned before that you have tooth wear?
Is it giving you headaches and referred pain into your ear, neck and shoulders?
Do you want to reduce the pain associated with grinding and also protect your teeth from further wear and potentially cracking?
If so, I can help you. Get in touch for a consultation.
No. of Treatments: One or more as desired
Procedure Time: 30 minutes
Discomfort Level: None to very low
Results: Two weeks after the procedure and last up to six months
Due to individual differences the results, downtime and recovery following treatment can vary between patients. This is because we are all unique. The information given has been based off the experience I have gained from treating a wide variety of patients, from both sexes and all different ages. To ensure you get the most accurate information about how the treatment experience would work for you please book a consultation with me.
Teeth grinding (bruxism) is when you unconsciously clench or rub your teeth together. This can lead to tooth wear, cracks in your teeth, headaches and referred pain in your ear, jaw and neck. It also makes you teeth very sensitive and you may find it hard to open your mouth wide.
Teeth grinding mainly occurs during your sleep but it can also happen whilst your awake. If people find their teeth are meeting together during the day then this is called clenching.
There is a number of causes but the main on is stress and anxiety. It can also occur if your bite is abnormal.
Mouthguards are the most recommended treatment; however, they are bulky and can be uncomfortable. Whilst they protect your teeth from further damage, they don’t treat the cause of the issue,
Muscle relaxant injections are more effective because they relax the muscle that is tense which is what causes the clenching and grinding. These injections have an additional benefit of slimming your face which enhances the feminine contour to your jawline,