Dr Amy Law offers a non-surgical approach to cheek enhancement for lifting and sculpting the facial contours. It’s quick, safe and simple to administer (if administered by a medical professional), offers no clinical downtime and can give results which lasts months, if not years at a time.
Non-surgical cheek enhancement is the term usually describing an injectable procedure using temporary hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to plump and lift the skin tissues of the mid and lower facial regions.
This treatment helps to enhance deflated fat pads of the face, support skin sagging and restore volume and contour.
Cheek enhancement using dermal fillers should only be performed by a medically-qualified specialist, for optimum safety and lasting results.
As we begin to age, the facial tissues go through some major changes. Alterations in the skeletal structure, fat pad changes and skin degradation can all lend themselves to mid and lower facial sagging.
The cheeks can not only become sunken and jowls begin to appear, but the cheek bones themselves seem less defined and contoured.
All of these changes can lead to a more square appearance of the face; something that is not only undesirable in women, but can also affect the look of a man’s appearance too.
Dr Amy says….
“This treatment is so beneficial to so many people. It will instantly rejuvenate your face leaving you looking fresher and more awake. For those wanting to improve on their cheek contours I call it the semi- permanent contour, you won’t need to be contouring your cheeks with makeup again”..
This treatment is ideal for those wanting to improve the contours of their cheeks or to restore volume loss which has occurred due to the natural ageing process, illness or weight loss. It also provides a more youthful look to your mid to lower face. If this sounds like a result you would be after then a cheek enhancement using dermal fillers could be the solution.
However, before Dr Amy will agree to treat you, she will request that you attend a no obligation consultation, so that she can examine your facial contours, discuss your requirements and check your medical history for your complete safety. Once you have both decided that this treatment would be effective and safe for you to undergo, you can book in your treatment appointment.
During your cheek enhancement, Dr Amy uses a combination of both needle and cannula to get the most reliable results as safely and gently as possible. She may use a topical anaesthetic to numb part or all of the treatment area, beforehand, but as most dermal fillers contain Lidocaine, this is not always necessary. Once your treatment is complete, Dr Amy will offer you some aftercare advice. You can then return to your daily activities, as long as you adhere to the advice that the doctor gives you.
As in many cases a topical anaesthetic is used, in general, cheek fillers should not be painful. You may feel some pulling or tugging of the skin if a cannula is used, but this should not hurt.
We advise that you to try sleep on your back for the first 2 weeks after treatment, but it isn’t a problem if you sleep on your side but use a soft pillow.
• No makeup for 24 hours ( mineral makeup can be gently applied after this time)
• No strenuous gym or athletic exercise for 1 week after the treatment.
• No facial massaging/ facials for 2 weeks following your cheek filler treatment.
Generally cheek enhancements require a minimum of 2ml. However, every patient has different requirements. The number of syringes of filler will be but this will be discussed during the consultation.
A face to face assessment will be required to determine how much filler you may need. It’s important to consider that you are unique and the number of syringes a friend or relative has, may be more or less than you require.
Expect results to last between 12 and 18 months.